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Saturday, December 09, 2006

Oh! For the love of paper moons.


Relink if you're free.

1:37 AM

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Pammy does justice to Geography and the skill of connectedness:

_pamela_ says:
i like being the odd one
_pamela_ says:
though my reg no is even
_pamela_ says:
but not gd to get even with ppl
_pamela_ says:
later become EVEN more petty
_pamela_ says:
and become not PRETTY

An exerpt from an interview:

Owen: [Laughing] Well, I do think that self-deprecation and self-doubt are tied into narcissism.

Ed: Yeah. It's called "fishing for compliments".

Owen: No, it's more than that. When somebody says, "Oh, my album is shitty", it's because they believe that they as an artist are capable of far more than the actual results would have the world believe.

Ah they articulate my very thoughts when I am faced with skinny people who claim they are fat and flabby. Or people who pretend that they are really lousy at a subject they KNOW they are fantastically good at.

Anyway an update on my terrific holidays thus far (in no particular order):

1) "Oh no, I think your OS is corrupted!"
My laptop is being reformatted because my OS is corrupted. (DO I SOUND LIKE A TECHIE???) Which is terribly sad but i got to back up all my word docs which is worthy of a huge burp of relief. unfortunately i lost my recording of Fantastic Four/Blackstreet Boys!! sorry von and co! but because I AM A TECHIE, I know OS is operating system and I bet you don't!!! I am so going to volunteer to be the AV rep and fight sabby for the BEST AV REP award. (I am kidding)

2) "Hop out?!"
Yes! Its two days to OSL and I am excited! Cambodia beckons from 25th Nov to 8th Dec, so if you can't find me online, or your emails/smses get ignored, fret not I am not avoiding you but in fact i am still very much in love with you but unfortunately love does not transcend the barriers of technology, or at least the articulation of love does not.

3) "Wear your blue socks!!"
We are going to play soccer because we can and we love soccer, tomorrow at 8.30am so if you've been pigging out, HA! you'd better come. Wear your blue socks or be square.

4) "27th?!! How to sleep during OSL like that!!"
Unfortunately circumstances have resulted in the extension of testimonial collection to the 27th for our class. Sob.


9:24 PM

Friday, November 17, 2006

The class <3: The pick of the lot:
Tanah Merah Football Club: The First Teamers!

Miss Retro Queen and Miss Humorous:



Prom was fun, pimples and all. :)
Oh I just realised I should have parted my hair the other way. *smacks head.

For more pictures click here

overdue tag replies (oops:D)
jiacong: haha! hilarious, humorous; same thing lahh. thank you for being nice and encouraging and calming my weak heart on thursday! :)
matt: wahaha hi matty! ehh make up deceiving?!! then pretty better means without make up hor. hahahha. btw, how come you needed to sleep in the canteen? so sad... but i bet not hot and stuffy like in the bunks! ><
: hello miss witty! hahaha. ping pong ding dong. congrats on ur 1st runner up thingo. :D i will link sooon!
leena: haha i just did! sorry ahh!
vivian: hey vivvv! haha thank YOU for being a great vhp :)

10:52 PM

Sunday, November 12, 2006

HELLO. many things have happened, the most exciting of which has been lead camp and shopping (they tied!) so from monday to wed, tanah merah edged out orchard to become the nearest MRT station for about 150 of us. nicola and i were facils of a very wonderful group 12 (who glamly named themselves as the lavatories)

and here's 10 random leadcamp memories to let you know exactly what you missed:
- the PLANES!
- "SIA got six wheels... Cathay got.."
- Mr. Moe and Mr. Seagull
- i. cream sticks!
- skinny durian potongs
- fat reflective flies posing as fireflies
- lovely letters from group 12
- the treacherous sand (nicola!!)
- brown wax paper
- the torches that died out :(

and finally, the honour roll of lavatories:
charlotte, elaine, kim, zhiying, yashan, vionna, sandra, liyan, jinghan and dawn!
thank you for being a marvellous group to facil :D
and thank you nicola for being an excellent, superfun co-facil!

next up, guess what! PROM IS IN FOUR DAYS. and i have bought everything i need! i feel terrifically on-task :D and the best thing is, i've spent less than 150 bucks so far!!! how cool is that. i love eastpoint for its hidden treasures (my dress was only 66 and looks a 100 ok!) and tm for its crowded entirety. yihui rocks as a shopping partner, and so does ali! :D!

the pageant nominees kick ass, by the way!
and so does the 402 band of vonnie, shannie, sabby and junqi :D
you guys should have a cooler name! like FANTASTIC FOUR.


oh, chelsea thrashed watford btw. what a wonderful way to cap a wonderful week! hopefully gooners and scousers draw like 3-3. thrilling match with no point whatsoever; sounds drool-worthy indeed!

yikes, i realised i never publicised my love for this lovely bunch of people:
sabby, edith, pammy, vonnie, shannie, yiting, ali, yihui, dongxi, ming, cellie, sandy, oli, and litz! thank you for the super super super nice bday present!!! :)

and to the O(ld) people, STRIVE ON!

8:16 PM

Monday, November 06, 2006


chelsea deserved to lose. they were giving away balls cheaply, they were not running for balls, they were easy to defend. it annoys me how teams that play against chelsea always seem as though they have taken drugs or sth because they always perform exceptionally well. so when you couple a lousy chelsea with a revitalised spurs, it made the spurs defence look really really superb. and seriously chelsea have been hit by the curse of bad referees. and never in their favour! bloody hell.

i need to whine.

BALLACK is a COMPLETE WASTE OF SPACE, hilario proves why he is third choice, and boula is starting to piss me off majorly. graham poll has some kind of eye problem and still has a problem with order of cards.

1) Ballack. He is so over the hill that his shots can't stop going over. He gives away balls cheaply and he is selfish as well. GET LOST LA.
2) Hilario. Has no positioning sense, and is also very short. I miss cech dearly.
3) Boulahouz. Seems very disturbed, perhaps by his glaring errors in previous games.
4) Graham Poll. Disallowed a goal for nothing, sent off JT for nothing. How bad a referee can you get? I feel like buying graham bears and chomping on them vehemently.


oh and i think mourinho got serious issues today. he subbed in boula (for ferreira?!), subbed him out. he subbed in SWP instead of jcole. he didn't sub Ballack out. hello!? and to top it all off he was being nice and hugged martin jol and didn't whine like i did.

but you know what? maka scored, which is super for him.
and i think chelsea were just really really tired by their pub brawl match with the saintly Barca.

so its ok!
football needs this kind of stories anyway.


2:01 AM

Friday, November 03, 2006

Where do I start?

The day was exceedingly memorable, especially after the school song started. I desperately wanted to sing it properly one last time, but unfortunately the tears got the better of me and started streaming down, following which everyone started hugging with so much intensity and love that it was impossible to stop crying.

402: the class with so much spirit, we deserved to win something! no matter what class competition it was, we did everything together we worked our guts out we sweated we toiled we hugged we kissed we encouraged we motivated we loved we cried. be it the national day dance, the kite, the netball carns, the class decor, or the interclass soccer and floorball, everyone put in their heart and soul. we brought a whole new meaning to "Success is in the Process"!

But this time, our efforts paid off. yesterday was the interclass world cup tournament, we got through the group stages with 1 goal conceded, and 5 scored. 3 wins, 2 draws.
the next fixture: 402 vs 411. 405 vs 414.

402 vs 411:
it was down to penalty shootouts in the end. nobody could find the net. both goalies were mentally strong, and i'm going to be biased here and say that sandy was the better one, because she kept out better kicks. our penalty kicks were all wide, or straight at chris-tin, which made her job easy. so it was down to sudden death. both teams had to send out their goalies, their defenders...

and serene SCORED.
can any word describe the sense of joy and elation that the entire class went through? she was immediately mobbed by the entire class, and everyone was cheering, and tears were flowing.

and we were through!!!

FINALS, WC'06: 402 vs 414!

high intensity game, 414 was a good match. we had three big fat scoring opportunities. the support was in full flow, and to hear the other classes cheer for 402 was heartwarming as hell! they ooo and aahh-ed at all the appropriate times, and i've got to say that mr.jalleh makes a super good referee. that is not biased, even though he did give us a penalty which made us...


and what a wonderful way to cap a marvellous job by the WCOC,
anyi, weiming, sabby, charmaine, eliz, germ, yen, wenyi, michy and sharyn
without ANY of you, the WC would have never bore fruit.

and i would never have gotten to know you guys so well without the WC! those late nights we spent together doing up our 20pg proposal, checking logs, waiting for inet announcements to be put up... I'd like all of you to know that i really really appreciate your time and effort, which has been so so so so massive, colossal and gargantuan. nothing could dampen our passion for soccer and the fact that it was totally voluntary on your part... well it just really rocks. :)

i really hope that everyone had fun on thursday, sorry if there were any conflicts or disagreements or bad decisions which spoilt your day, because that is totally contradictory to the memories the oc aspired for you to have of this day. may you forget the bad and remember the good, for this is all in the spirit of fun and the passion for sport.


haha. and on this note i would like to dedicate our win to our wonderful Form Teacher James Ong who bought us all soccer socks which brought us lots of attention and perhaps distracted our opponents! haha. As well as Varsha, our beloved Math Rep and Drama Queen, who has left to India to continue her studies.

oh 402 is so much love!

10:56 PM

Thursday, October 26, 2006

helloooo to keep you going for 4 more jukhuanless days, here's proof that i wasn't joking about that long line of suitors. :D

goodbye for now!

Come on the Chels!

10:36 PM