Thursday, October 26, 2006
helloooo to keep you going for 4 more jukhuanless days, here's proof that i wasn't joking about that long line of suitors. :D
 goodbye for now!
Come on the Chels!
10:36 PM
from the bottom of my heart, I hereby declare my undying love and devotion to the Chelsea FC as of the end of yesterday's match against Reading. So sod off, long line of future and imaginary suitors because I am now married to the team that showed so much courage and solidary in face of wave after wave of setbacks.
"I care about my two friends. Barcelona is Barcelona, football is football. I care about it but for me there are more important things. I want them both out of the hospital." - Mourinho
JT became goalie for abt 2 minutes at the end of the match because cech and cudicini were both knocked out cold with head concussions, and the medics took like 5 minutes to stretcher each of them off (cech in the 20th second :(, cudi in stoppage time). it was bad to the point of eurgh. both of them couldn't even move, and cudi even needed an oxygen mask lah. stoppage time from 4 min extend till 12. And when the ref finally blew the final whistle chelsea's happiness was utterly and heartwarmingly "palpable": everyone jumped onto terry and they were so happy I felt tears of joy prickle at the back of my eyes from halfway across the globe. sniff.
and because jcole rocks, he is back! and when he was subbed in (for sheva, which really doubled my joy) the reading players immediately fouled him and boularouz was so angry and protective of jcole that i'm really starting to like him too. he defended well and he's super duper tough like leather-beef jerky-bullish kind of tough. like TENACIOUS. haha. i mean, no wonder pple call him The Cannibal. :D
and here's further justification for everyone to respect mourinho: he refused to get involved in the free for all among the assistant coaches. If you follow sports news you'd expect him to do the exact opposite, but it actually seemed as though for once he was really being the mourinho that both porto and chelsea players respect, and not putting up the hostile, arrogant front the media and us are so accustomed to. He provided the oasis of calm his team needed, and made sure his team could draw from him the courage to stay strong and absorb everything fate was throwing at them. like yoohoo. so sey. he really rocks.
sigh. perhaps I'm overdoing it, but
"we love you chelsea, through and through!"
and because JT always signs off like this... COME ON THE CHELS!
1:52 PM
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
there's something quietly disconcerting about self-fulfilling prophecies and personality tests like strengthsquest.
it kind of steals sincerity away from what you do by simplifying and robotising your behaviour.
and sometimes it feels as though i am walking along some sort of tightrope between performing up to expectations, and expectations causing me to perform up to expectations. you know like its not really real.
12:13 AM
Because Js Rock:
1)put ur music player on shuffle 2)press forward for each question 3)use the song title as the answer for ur qsn, even if it doesnt make sense 4)tag 5 other people 5)bold the questions and the the answers and give ur own comments
how are you feeling today? Shower the People (with Love!) by James Taylor -spray spray!
how do your friends see u? Delicate by Damien Rice Aww! I knew that. burp.
will you get married? Fortunate Fool by Jack Johnson ehh? haha. darn. doesn't sound very auspicious.
what is your best friend's theme song? The General by Dispatch well the general has a heart of gold and birds of a feather do flock together...
what is the story of ur life? Guantanamera! by Trini Lopez mysterious.
what was primary school like? Hypnotised by McFly
how can you get ahead in life? I'd Like To Teach the World to Sing I KNEW I HAD IT IN MEEE! yessss!
what is the best thing about your friends? If Work Permits by The Format (<3!) They are very loved
what is in stall for this weekend? 1000 things by Jason Mraz shucks, only left 24 hours, how can?
what song describes you? Did I Fool Ya? by Jason Mraz haha!
describe your grandparents? No Yesterdays by Jason Mraz errr haha.
How is your life going? Sleep All Day by Jason Mraz haha. yea very leisurely indeed.
how does the world see you? Key Largo by Bertie Higgins "Here's looking at you, kid." YOUNG!
will you have a happy life? Long Goodbye by Ronan Keating Long life!!
what does your friend really think of you? Meet You There by Simple Plan they miss me alot :D
do people secretly lust after you? My Heart is the Worst by FOB
how can i make myself happy? Older Chests by Damien Rice look into the past. ommm.
what should you do with your life? Plain Jane by Jason Mraz i'll set the latest fashion statements just by dressing up my minddd
will you ever have children? Put Your Records On by Corrine Bailey Rae break record? haha. dun want lah.
Ok copy Jarren.
5 PPL: JAS (ahem sabby!), Jean, Jason M., Joe C. and John T.!
12:01 AM
ahhh harlan coben novels are sinful. his leads are fantastically lovable.
i say fantastic because it is the topic of the day. why fantastic? no i didn't go to mcdonald's today (sorry for cheap joke) but fantastic because i am going to blog about reCHARGE!
reCHARGE was- yup, you guessed it - FANTASTIC :D haha to put it shortly and sweetly, you know SLN's a bunch of super fun super cool people when you give them games like Edmund's Lorry and a hilarious laughter fest ensues. and at the risk of sounding repetitive, i have never laughed so hard and so long before.
on a sadder note chelsea is being artistic and drawing but its all right because they look like they're back on form! now they only need joe cole to recover and sheva to score a goal and ballack to get injured for them to continue their rich artery of form.
on an even sadder note tests are finally coming back to haunt us. i can only hope for the best and jibe bitterly and spitefully that integrity to the some departments is not exactly top priority.
meanwhile good luck to everyone taking prelims and hope the mods are currently feeling really nice and generous. to that end i cross my fingers, toes, ears and nose.
11:36 PM