Sunday, September 24, 2006

i love lamps!
11:58 PM
Friday, September 22, 2006
because our math teacher can be really funny sometimes,
i am now tsu quen/ju quen yihui becomes tze hui celeste becomes celesta alicia becomes aliceea varsha becomes bus (i shall assume she meant varsh in her enthusiasm)
and "the particle is jumping up and down on the spot"
woopeedoo! agatha christie is the new craze in class. along with knitting and making earrings.
also, today JO saw our class shirt and went: "This is your class shirt?! Why never buy for me!? Celeste bluff me! Its not girly at all! Its so nice!"
sigh, make me shy only.
8:16 PM
Monday, September 18, 2006
barring any unfortunate twist of fate, we will probably all grow old to one day become elderly grandmas and grandpas sitting on rocking chairs sipping on weak tea and reminiscing about past times.
and when that day comes I hope I will be able to say I have made the world a better place. for someone, at least.
living might mean taking chances, but they're worth taking loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making don't let some hell-bent heart leave you bitter when you come close to selling out, reconsider give the heavens above more than just a passing glance
tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder, where those years have gone?
Take the First Step: Donate your old newspapers to OSL.
A mistake worth making, ha.
8:37 PM
Saturday, September 16, 2006
school is now the funnest thing evahhh.
firstly there are the interesting classes, like
- Identities, Politics and Geography where we learn about political geography from a very lively Dr. Ooi - Food Product Development where we get to develop new food like chicken ice cream and fish-eye candy and other intriguingly delicious products at Singapore Poly - Law and Punishment where we debate about the legal enforcement of morality - Worldly Philosophy where we learn about the philosophy of wealth
secondly there are the timely breaks which translate into the following benefits:
- beating canteen queues - easily accessible Malay Store chicken and fish nuggets (!!!) - the new food craze: Oishi Oheya! Multigrained and 0% Saturated Fat
additionally there are "have-fun-and-get-fit" sessions:
- hours upon hours of badminton at the koi pond - extended PE: soccer!!! - if we really want... netball again! - if you are pammy: running 4.137km
of course, there is always time to cultivate and nurture your mathematical intellect and to pay attention to lulao.
if you are not jealous yet, czech out the pros of being in close proximity to FEP:
- XXL chicken - mee sua - mango lingo (and yes, the IQ balls!) - yakun! - gelare - subway - turkish restaurant - ETC!
8:11 PM
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
this is 402 and this is us sharing in adam's joy

say hello to the winner of 2 consecutive singapore opens!
finally i leave you with a sneak peak of why everyone is going gaga over our class shirt
yup you guessed it. practical applications of physics and thermodynamics xD
9:28 PM
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
netball carn was a blast, despite the rain and extremely bad calls on some courts.
i love 402! we may not have won, but hey, we tried our best and results don't really matter as much as the fact that we worked so hard together as a class. I mean, we had a wonderful cheer squad, we had pompoms, we had our 10-times oversized banner, we had our orange and pink shoelaces... who needs a prize with this kind of class spirit?! we would have totally missed the point.
so heads up and jiayou because we are the bestest, unbitchiest, funniest and enthu-iest class in our very own special way.
to the winning classes, cheers and congrats, you deserve it for being pro. :)
10:26 PM
Thursday, September 07, 2006
noooooooooo i am preparing to miss 402 terribly. now i really hate options!
11:48 PM
i love you juniors!
sec4 farewell was such a blast. we turned seoul garden upside down with our specialities of the day, which included:
- apple chips, - fried papaya-flavoured carrot, - boiled apple, - boiled melon,
and various other very exotic and delicious cuisine.
then we went to the arcade where we mainly screamed over bishibashi. supremely fun :D
then went back to school while the rest watched prada. to play netball and soccer. I CRUSH GERM! so pro so pro so pro. being on the same team as him rocks :) then attempted to learn some freestyling which resulted in me humiliating myself tremendously but that's okay.
ok to keep things short and sweet i love my juniors i love my batch mates and hooray for the first ever sec 4 golf farewell in RG!
and today was SOCCERRR BABYYYY
Singapore vs China 0-0 hello china got how many billion people but still cannot beat us?! sheesh.
okay but in any case singapore really got no hope, especially with the loserfied number 25 on the pitch. dickson. sorry, he has SWP look and physique but zilch skill. but the keeper on the other hand... I CRUSH HIM!!! he was on hot form i tell you.
btw, singapore had a goal disallowed for offside. that's stupid. linesmen were stupid.
and so i shall end by dedicating this day of stupidity to the stupidest pimple cream around. the oxymoron.
12:00 AM
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
i was going to whine, but nah.
instead here's a post to celebrate the majesty of Trivia:
'catalytic hydrogenation' has a very pretty ring to it and it sure makes you look smart.
i mean, imagine: A: yo, wassup buddey B: nothing much yo B: just doing a bitta catalytic hydrogenation with mah alkenes.
now that is ultimate cool.
12:23 AM
Monday, September 04, 2006
savouring the last of a book is like licking a bowl clean of an icecream you really love but you know you will never get to eat again in the next 10 years.
and i'm telling you there is nothing like it to trigger off such intense feelings of nostalgia in one's heart .
sniff sniff, melodrama is the flavour tonight.
by the way, point of information, madams and sirs:
Bill Bryson is HILARIOUS caps locked italised bolded and underlined
meanwhile, another book awaits and i'm happy beyond happy. ahhhh.
8:29 PM