Now this is what paradise looks like:

the new jersey! damn chio! :)
11:23 PM
my right eye keeps twitching and distracting me from reading about polymerase chain reactions. is that a good enough excuse? haha.
life is good so far but i am missing my room and my table.
my cousins from canada have come!
artists of the moment 1. duh 2. john mayer 3. jack johnson
what do i admire most about other people? talent, and people who can make money doing sth they love like footballers and musicians :D
someone give me money to laugh, can?
1:14 AM
guitar concert was very enjoyable. von rocked! mraz would be proud. haha. cheers to von, huishan, alicia, yaoying, jessbin, yufang, gracia and everyone else for putting up such a great concert :)
- sometimes i cannot help but feel very blessed. especially when geog makes you read up about sweatshops and child labour.
sometimes i ask myself what i have done to deserve such a wonderful life surrounded by lovely friends all around.
nothing really.
anyway, here's a tribute to soccer; something that has made me many friends, given me many conversation starters, given me something and somebodies to love, something to be passionate about.
but sometimes also it seems such a superficial thing. i guess that's what makes it a beacon of hope in countries in the middle of war. and that's also what makes me fear i would lose contact with some people without it. superficial relationships built upon superficial subjects.
better ever than never, they always say. yup. memories exist for a reason anw.
for now, thank whoever it is you believe in for this computer and the internet connection that has allowed you to read this. know that while you are reading many people are living in hunger, in poverty and in pain.
i thank the silver spoon and the pan family.
11:59 PM
galaxy - jason mraz
well here i am i'm sitting alone again i'm staring up at the sky which at this lonely moment is my only friend and suddenly as i gazed upon the night well i notice the stars they began to shake and dance and burst and fall into the darkness they exploded down i knew what i had to do i ran up to the top of the hill and i took ahold for you you were the sweetest star that fell and yes, i held onto it close to the numbness in my heart
and then i kissed a star yes i did i wrapped it up inside of a golden bow and then i ran away just to find you cause this was your gift your gift oh shit a star that i kissed oh the galaxy that lives inside your eyes was in need i said it was in need of a, of a brand new shining light i said i wished to the dark sky above that all i had was to be captured and willingly turned over to you i know you better now and at this i smile i simply gave to you the symbol of what you are to me you are the star that shines and explodes with light and i love and embrace love and embrace all that i can you better take this blindess and stay away from me and let me bask inside of your golden seam i never knew such simple astronomy i never knew it could come to me and not by the ways of the heart
and call on me to be one of those strangely dressed wise men who follow the stars to their love you are such a perfect star to wish upon well i love you and god and i'm hopeful of what this lonely night may lead me to so i said god i'm hopeful of what this lonely, lonely night will lead me tonight oh well, well i'm hopeful that this lonely night well it shines so right i'm hopeful i'm hopeful of all good things to come about i'm wishing upon you now yeah, i'm wishing upon you now
free me and let me indulge my view oh most beautiful you keeper of starlight take on me oh, oh, oh well here i am i'm sitting all by myself again i stare up at the sky which at this moment is my only friend say well, suddenly as i gazed upon the night well i notice the stars they began to shake and burst oh it looks like they want to fight, no they were dancing they were romancing oh, they were falling in love they falling in love all over falling in love all over falling in love, falling in love, falling in love i say falling in love, falling in love all over falling in love, is my best friend falling in love all over, all over again
beautiful song.
9:49 PM
do you know why leaves turned green?
they were jealous of the flowers.
it was never chlorophyll's fault.
the chlorophyll has been maligned.
and i emphatise. that's the true reason why i don't eat veggies.
*FunFact: check out the winks!
12:21 AM