107 ROCKS! haha! they got third for concert OKAY! ONE SEVEN ONE SEVEN HIP HIP HOORAY!
hooray for marshy mallows and quaker oats and all your pretty bushes!
hope you guys had as much fun as I did, and keep the Rafflesian spirit in you burning bright ya! rmb, cheer LOWDER! xD
go seveners!!!
and of course, go one seven class ics! soph, kevy, rebecca, kim, andrea, mich and yen! thanks for putting in so much effort to rah-rah our class and staying up and over to make the brownies/cookies/presents!
you guys rock!
i miss orientation already ): but still have psl sessions! whoopee xD
haha. on a side note, really looking forward to working with all the psls. psb 06 rocks la!
O YES. and thank you o-tea comm! everything worked out so well all because of your hard work and constant running around to make sure everything was fine! :D!
4:24 PM