this is bad. lame jokes galore!
how do you start a book about ducks? with an introducktion.
why can't you play cards in e jungle? coz there are too many cheetahs.
WAHHHH -pulls eyelids THANKS ah honwei. -.-
haha nvm. EH today rocked! we had like 3 free blocks?! haha. tanhainee and lezlie neo didn't come, then we had PHILO. woohoo. haha sabby and i had a very good plan today k! we stayed in class during recess, then went to eat during philo. GOOD PLAN RIGHT! haha wdv. anyway i invented a new chord!!!! it's the J CHORD! J CHORD WITH K! my theory rocks man. yes (: it's veh nice lor! shud hear me play k, even pro-er than ali! actually tt's not much of an achievement oops. haha. aiya shall not be mean. ali rocks at guitar!
mmm then von came to teach us REAL guitar! haha sabby sucks lor her bone like got SOME PROBLEM? haha cannot like bend properly one lor! haha so cute. ya then went to e canteen to eat with celly. yummyumm. then we actually finished our math k! ok, finished attempting. like we DRAW E AXES. hahhaha! we decided that we will not see e last page. yup. went up fer eng. just went thru e compre, nothing much la. mm then math! haha. free block! CELLY MISSED A FREE BLOCK! (:
moron5 + conductor! hahaahhahahah our first album: silence. tracks: 1) when you say nothing at all 2) silent night 3) an jing 4) silence is golden
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. wahlao we rock. we plan to be invited by rhythmic gym for their concert as guest performers. invitation pending approval and consent. we're in great demand u see.
[edit// i forgot about interact! it was so nice and fun (: we went to this very nice old folk place, got aircon, gym, karoke all that lor! it was seriously very nice. the old folks are so friendly and happy to see us! understandably (: can't wait to go back heh]
9:24 PM
someone tell me what it's like to love and be loved.
9:05 PM
finally started research. research's no fun ):
tag replies:
CASSOOOOOOOOOO- HELLO! ilu tooooo (: acid rivers are UNyay. my tagboard is UNFLOODABLE mwahaha!!
sabby- cassie like me you JEALOUS rite! (x haha yess it rocks! i'm a goofy goober yeah you're a goofy goober yeah -bubblebubble
heidi- haha changie! loser =P << i got big eyes too!
renn- hahahhaa too bad rennnn (: nvm, go back to sch i sing to u e song, not a bad substitute okay!
sabby- my tagboard looks fine to meee ((((: wad talking u? hahaha u help me change lorrr.
haha, decided to reply here instead of on e board as u can see. coz i'd be flooding my own tagboard... which we have established as unfloodable... mmm.
hmm t-issue ytd. just stood at e busstop opposite hotel phoenix. quite a lotta business, but e pple not veh generous! ): then on e other hand got those pple who ermm TOO NICE ALR. they dun take e tissue packets!! then our tin so heavy but still left so many packs k... haha wanxi they all so clever lor! station themselves at HYATT there. so obviously got a lot of business. like ten bucks tt kinda thing. pls lor e most we got was a pathetic 2 bucks. ayy, nvm.
learning points: - go to richer place - use emotional blackmail - write "tsunami" bigger
anyway, HEH sis's bf came ytd. mwahaha, he better be veh nice to us (x mmm. new album up, check out "fooling arnd" at e sidebar under photos (: ok maybe don't. it's seriously fooling arnd. it's just me, messy and shoes. hahaha. oh yes, i chopped off my hair! not anything drastic. actually, not much diff when i tie up my hair. cept got fringe. so irritating. got to use clips alr.
this is a very pointless update.
2:37 PM
oy! i forgot to blog about sunday (:
was very glad to see micy micn sherm and heidiho again!! (:
met them at sentosa after watching a clown show papa brought e family to. jumped straight into the very inviting waters, then splashed heidi micy and micn until they decided to get in e water since it didnt make any difference. haha! coz they din bring extra underthings u see. hehhehh. sherm and i are smart, far-sighted pple yes? whoohoo played with seaweed, attempted to reach e island but got scared off by backwash and e deepness of e water (4m -.-) haha ok la veh pathetic but OHWELLS.
decided to get outta e water coz we were running late! reservation at crystal jade (x haha micn and shermy are WEIRD pple pls. haha. went to wash up and stuff, then packed up and poof we were off to greatworldcity (:
stupidly carried rubbish all e way from e island to crystaljade -.- haha. spent a long time deciding wad dishes to order, sherm was aghast by the apparent lack of dishes (by her standards). mwahah. yummy stuff anw. thn after that we took out e birthday strudel! (: haha and e kind pple gave us a knife to cut it with, and we sang and forced them to make a wish and blow out e imaginary candles. haha then e auntie of e restaurant came and attempted to cut e strudel with her supposedly experienced hands, but erm it sorta ended up like a great mess of pastry, cream and apple. but twas yummy anyway (:
sadly after that had to leave. planned to stayover, but a bit not successful? haha. shermy thinks my hair is nice! like AFRO. hahahahs. the IN thing kay!!
7:45 PM
i'm sorry i'm such a lousy classchair who's not punctual, not a good example and so very forgetful. and i know it's my fault, so i promise i'll try to change.
ayy. URA/CBD trip today. how interesting -.- walked along spore river, looked at very artistic sculptures, got bitten by mysterious thing that dropped onto my neck. went to maxwell market for break. then went to e ura building. e models are cool, i found my house on it. (: got scolded by baobao, but she was quite nice about it. yeah, ok. and finally it was 12.30!
went out with sabby and ali (: eat and watch movie again. haha. so interesting. ate a healthy subway meal with very little fat and veggies and no sauce, then went to pac plaza to buy presents, then went back just in time for hitch! (: ohman e cinema was like tiny. it's like a miniscule version of lido1. smaller than kschee pls? mm anw, the movie was really nice haha. whoohoo.
this is bad, i shall stop slacking away ljweek as well.
7:31 PM
world trade game was really fun (: vini, huiru and i are certified most active traders. haha. okay. went out with sabby for lunch at longjohns before going to catch SPONGEBOB! haha it was SO STUPID. hahaha hilriously STUPID. argh. patrick's very very cute! wahahah. but we agreed that spending 650 on it is MORE THAN ENOUGH. mm.
okay.i would like to dedicate a song to myself.
Obviously McFly
Recently I've been, Hopelessly reaching Out for this girl, She's out of this world. Believe me.
She's got a boyfriend He drives me round the bend 'Cos he's 33, He's in the marines, He'd kill me.
It's been so many nights now I find myself thinking about her now.
'Cause obviously, She's out of my league I'm hopin' and wishin' She's draggin' me in and now I know I never will be good enough for her.
No, no Never will be good enough for her.
Gotta escape now Get on a plane now. yeah Off to LA, that's where i'll stay (yeah) For 2 years
I'll put it behind me (i'll put it behind me) Go to a place where she cant find me. yeah.
'Cause obviously, She's out of my league, I'm wastin' my time 'Cause she'll never be mine I know i never will be good enough for her. No, no Never will be good enough for her
It's outta my hands I'll never know where I stand I know I'm not good enough for her He's good enough for her (for her, for her)
'Cause obviously, She's out of my league, I'm wastin' my time 'Cause she'll never be mine I know i never will be good enough for her. No, no Never will be good enough for her
'Cause obviously, She's out of my leeague, I'm wastin' my time 'Cause she'll never be mine I know i never will be good enough for her. No, no Never will be good enough for her
'Cause obviously, She's out of my leeague, I'm wastin' my time 'Cause she'll never be mine I know i never will be good enough for her. No, no Never will be good enough for her
No, no I never will be good enough for her
7:26 PM
hello! i'm BACK (:
went for osl selection camp fri-sat and it was really fun! (:
friday introduced ourselves to the whole group. hen we split up into little groups and played floorball, soccer and capt ball with syaz, aruna, aj and kavya. we are pro pple! haha we tied floorball 2-2, soccer 4-4, and won capt ball like 12-6 or something (: haha. and we discovered that the netball courts slant. it was like quite tiring, especially the capt ball coz i was running about madly. and the HOT HOT sun. but it was bearable (:
then we split up into our real groups and group 2 rocks! CASOOO, WYNNE the POO, HAB the BIBAH, PRINCESS SHARYN and cynthia our mentor!
ahahas, so we did reflections on the games, and then we had to do some treasure hunt for the food after completing this worksheet which tested our IQ! which is SUPER HIGH hahhah! coz we finished first! but ermm, we did some bad things as a group when we were looking for our carbo food. we didn't wait for each other and stuff. i'm one of those who ran first ): sorry! yeah, then erm eventually we found our food hidden in a dustbin. Oscars grounded home -.- hehe. we got many packets of noodles.
then we went to cook! we got the tommy thingys and solid fuel and lighter. then we cooked our tasteless noodles and ate the yummy protein giving ikan bilis and one packet of fibre-filled seaweed. the ikan bilis was really good. yah, then somehow the deadline changed and we ended up being the last group to do reflections.
then after that we did the disability series i think. like at certain stations some of us were blindfolded, mute, handless, legless that kinda thing. so first we had to build the tallest tower. then i think we did charades which was super funny. especially wynne's coconut tree? hahhaa. we were like rolling arnd in laughter pls. then i think we went on to do the satay stick game where we had to find satay sticks along the corridor from the gym to the tennis courts. wynne was blind, cassoo was mute and hab sharyn and i were handless. ermm then we went to pet's station to throw bballs and we were really fast okay! haha. then we did soccer-thing where we had to score with one-leg, no eyes and no hands i think. ya clever wynne thought of kicking while sitting for one-legged pple.
then i think we did bonding games. yup. errr oh yah, we did this thing where we had famous personalities stuck onto our backs and the rest of the group had to help you to guess who it was without speaking. haha. it was funny. mine was britney spears. haha in the end they acted out baby one more time. hahahhaha it was so funny. then sharyn didnt watch lotr, so she din know who legolas was and clever wynne pointed to her leg and greenleaves. haha and clever sharyn guessed it. yay. then went to do wanling's rope thing. and concluded that we are psychic people! then went on to the koi pond to throw paper aeroplanes! had to be like far and accurate to earn cutlery. so we found a way to overcome the wind and flimsiness of the aeroplanes by putting the plane in cynthia's wallet! haha. and we earned the max amt of cutlery. yeahh we rock! haha. then went on to meiting's station to argue among ourselves to decide who gets sent back to earth, but we came to a consesus quick enough. actually VERY quickly. haha. last station was xiaoting's pictionary game. then we were like late for the whole team game coz the pictionary dragged on. and we were not strolling in okay! we ran then sort of slowed down when we reached the koipond. did some shoe thing, and i had no idea what was happening, but e smart pple figured stuff out. haha.
erm then i think we rushed off to bathe and pitch tents. we did something horrible and we took up more than the no of cubicles assigned to us. which resulted in us bathing quite fast but the last few groups only had 2 cubicles to bathe in in e end... sorry! the cubicles were so very flooded and gross and the water was yellowish and grey matter was like floating about. but we managed to bathe so hooray for us! mmm then went to pitch tents. odac tents are so much nicer than obs tents! they're so easy to set up and they're portable. ya then helped some pple to salvage their collasping tent hahha! then erm got scolded by the odacians for our not listening to instructions and lateness... then went to cook. dinner was so yummy! yummy ikan bilis once again. stuffed ourselves with food. then i think reflections then met back at dance studio where we played a horrible horrible game.
mr.thio conducted this erm X or Y game. like each group can't communicate with each other but within groups u can la. so like u have 10 rounds, and 10 slips of paper. then each round u have to decide whether to put X or Y. so it's more beneficial if u put X rather than Y but if all groups put X every group -1, all put Y every group +1. sometimes one rep went out to discuss. so first time we discussed, like we decided each group take turns to gain points. then round4 someone betrayed the trust of the whole team. and yah, nobody trusted each other anymore. but the worst thing was at one point when it was bonusx7, I went out to discuss with the rest. and we decided on putting all Y so everyone benefited from the bonus. guess who got a -28 due to everyone betraying that agreement. i really felt like crying la. our whole group was like what the fucking hell. thank you very much? coz, my dears, it meant that every other group put X except for our group. like XXXXY. so much for an agreement, yes? and hab went out next and she was like telling us about how the other groups were like smug and everything and pretending they were the ones who -28. okay, good fer u. we were like really worked up. mm. so much for working as a team, so much for the acts you guys put on. how we were all agitated and decided to have MORALS for once. in the end we decided that the good thing was that we knew we were the ones with integrity and morals. and when we discussed the learning points some pple acknowledged that some pple are really very nice. thanks (: and erm yah, i don't think our group will hold grudges or anything. coz we discussed it with cynthia on saturday and that really helped us. yup.
then at the end of that really horrible game there was news of tremors and a earthquake. OHKAY. so we had to like rush to the quadrangle in a few minutes with all our stuff and everything when everyone's emotions were still in turmoil after having been played with. hmmm anyway then erm we unpitched our tents and stuff. then we had this acid-river game. when erm i think the whole field was a river of acid starting from the road leading to blk h. so we had to use 11 bricks to get everyone and everything across. it was like quite slow at first but we managed to get everyone over like at 12 +. did together with wynne, kavya and casso, who was at the back doing a really great job and me at the front followed by wynne then kavya. and we reached the end! then we started helping to pitch tents while the rest made their way over. mmhmm. then we went to wash up and sleep. it was quite squeezy in the 4 man tent with 5 of us even though we arent tt fat. hehe.
at 3.35 we received news of a FIRE. so we had to go to the highest point of the school which turned out to be the clc with all our stuff except for the tents. then erm we had this sheets of paper with photos of stuff in the school on them and we had to identify the things. so funny hhahaha. in the end we resorted to WILD GUESSES. like totally WILD. eg. HAIRY RAFFLES TREE. and erm all possible places in the canteen. hahahah we had fun la. erm then we went back to sleep after trying to look for cones. turns out siti's group took them all!
stayed up a bit with cassoo and sharyn. washed up a bit more, then sat beside the tent, counting e number of apartments in which pple were still awake. haha. then in the end we slept a bit outside e tent before going in to sleep. nice nice sharyn slept sitting up so we had more space! had a nice sleep thanks to her (: then woke up and washed up and unpitched tents and ate a nice breakfast. the group with the cones got packets of milo, and they made milo for everybody! (:(:(:
then we were off to play prison! haha it was really fun. we planned out our route and everything and STRATEGIZED so that we did stuff while waiting for otherpple. haha so first we ran to the low wall and got all of us over. then we did pushups, then monkeybars. then we went to shoot balls. then we ran to the koi pond to do hulahoops and to pitch and unpitch tents. then while waiting for linxiandwanxi's group to finish playing hopscotch we made up our SONG!! hhahahaha it was SUPER funny. i can only remember the chorus and the end coz it went like this: lalalala, this is the chorus. lalalala, this is the chorus. HAHAHA we were like laughing and laughing like dunnno wad. hahaha. then the end was: lalalala, this is the end. lalalala, of our pretty song. hahahhaha. and during the verses, which hab and wynne sang, the rest of us did like ACCOMPANIMENT like dum, da dum, da dum, da dum. hahahhahaha. so that we din have to like have a FIXED tune. yah. haahahahaha. but our verses turned out to be quite monotonous despite our accompaniment! haha. then we went to do a jigsaw puzzle of horsies and rosies and grass and sky. then we copied a chi essay. then we drank 500 ml of water. and we got 125 pts and we were the only group on time!! haha! then we helped the other groups do some pushups (: haha. yup. then after that did all th logistics stuff and evaluation and rounded up the camp then broke camp. but i stayed back with wanxi and cassie and a lot of other pple to wash tents! twas fun, coz u get massaged by the water when the tents got washed. hehe. then straightened tent pegs, then michelle's mum came to invite us to finish their over-catered food!!! hahahahhaa. we hurried to finish everything then went to eat!! yummy yummy meesiam, sandwiches and orange cordial!! then pple left then only left with cassie, me, wynne, shiya, rachel and siti. hahahaha. then siti and shiya and rachel went to get containers to dabao food -.-. hahha! coz there was really a lot of stuff left. and cassie put orchids into everyone's container and started brewing mixtures of tea, coffee, lime, cordial, meesiam gravy, parsley, chingting and everything else. hahaha. then wynne the SMARTY went to burn this paper decoration thing and we were planning to douse it in the brew but it was too small and the fire was getting bigger and burning wynne so POOF SHE DUNKED IT INTO THE MEESIAM GRAVY! hahahhhahahha we were laughing and laughing and the ashes were like floating around like bits of seaweed. so we decided to cover up our crime by pretending we accidentally dropped a piece of tissue in and covering up the tray. cassie added some decoration to the setup with an orchid and parsley. hahaha. then left soon after. yup. and came home, ate like a pig even though i just ate so much yummy meesiam, bathed, then slept all the way from 2.45 to 8.30 this morning. i was in a deep sleep until like 11.30. hahaha my mum and bro tried to wake me up, very unsuccessfully.
so today here i am, aching all over and going out later to celebrate heidi and mic's bday at sentosa hooray!
10:32 AM
yo i'm so bored now. i shall try blogging differently.
went for tuition in the morning. for once i dragged myself out of bed earlier than 11 without using alarming devices. bathed, ate, read newspapers. parents were having a fight as usual, and dad picked on bro. sad. felt like cheering him up with a hug, but too bad, jukhuan does not hug brothers. ok tuition. lots of people, went to sit with the lil kids coz there wasn't any space with the big kids. copied some compos and stuff, then got a lift from dad home. apparently he has found his swing and he can hit straight with a driver, so he was in a rather cheery mood. discussed the possibility of pitching a tent in east coast park sometime soon, and conclusion was rather positive: "later ask kaishuang for her tent" yeah. so yeaah. later going out to celebrate greatgranny's 93rd birthday. big thing, can't do anything in the afternoon, so here i am telling everyone about how my day went and how boring my life is right now.
maybe i should draw a card or something. peaceout.
4:56 PM
haha! i feel highly high today. woke up today. went to play at transview. took my own sweet time (: and hit like two balls for some holes. SHH. so in actual fact i've done almost 18 holes. haha. SHH. SHHH! it was. tiring. anw i am starting to love 5iron. and goodnews goodnews!! jukhuan can hit e ball with a driver! SOMETIMES! hoo hoo hooray!
jukhuan has finished reading 2 lovely books by susan cooper. hypothesis: susan cooper writes good stuff. conclusion: susan cooper writes good stuff.
//jukhuan` point is. says: ROAR! why, because of you my world is total darkness. says: RAWRRRR! jukhuan` point is. says: LET'S SEE WHO CAN ROAR LOUDER jukhuan` point is. says: 1,2,3
as you can see, jukhuan has won e battle of the lions.
11:04 PM
ayy. screw sec 3 and all the unhappiness it brings. screw psuedo-homework i.e. pts. screw teachers. screw the world. SCREW YOU.
screw's double meaning -.-
watched a series of unfortunate events today. not bad la. klaus is cute, sorta.
okay byebye.
11:10 PM
(: first 203 gathering of 2005! 14 pple turned up (x very successful compared to past numbers (6, 8, 11) MMHMM.
got dismissed like super early by maytan and went off to meet other 203-ers for lunch! after getting chased back and forth by prefects we finally got out of school gates and went off to bk! mmm. occupied like 10000 tables and ate. yum yum. then went to take neos. then ran off for swim carn!
swim carn is very fun especially when there's no space for u downstairs (: we were slacking away at the top. bonding time is IMPT. whee. anw, richard lost to tarbet. ONLY. -snarrrl. not fair lor!! that's OUR place! e dsa class is in tarbet la! unfair advantage. BUT richard will catch up! we will be champion house again!! and forever more!
whoohoo! went off for class dinner with a buncha pple. went to cityhall before trekking e whole way to suntec and hiking around looking for food to buy. Then, walked to esplanade. some concert thing was going on so couldnt go to e rooftop terrace place. but we went to queen elizabeth's walk instead! saw e ncc pple. found some place by the spore river to sit and started eating (: so fun and obs-y! then e sky started darkening and it was time for our heavenly voices to serenade the lovers in the shade of big big trees. (x
started singing songs like dedication etc. whoohoo e lovers clapped fer us okay! we make good buskers(: haha then after we ran out of conventional songs. we started singing weird songs like yueliangdaibiaowodexin and DO RE ME. goodness. hahaha! so fun!
mmm then decided to walk to e merlion. but we stopped halfway at e bridge and being warmhearted like always, we started waving hello to the tourists on the river taxis. haha! whee what a nice welcome to singapore lor pls. haha. some guy was VIDEOing us haha! ooo happy memories for him man. so fun. then we were shooed off by xi2 and fang to go to a woody place then we started performing! haha mambo and jive haha. craziness -.- haha. then had to leave. yup.
i'm a happy person!
10:53 PM
CHELSEA 4-2 (: (: (: (: (: (:
"Chelsea raced into a three-goal lead in 19 minutes, with Eidur Gudjohnsen, Frank Lampard and Damien Duff on target for Jose Mourinho's side...Terry headed home after 75 minutes to send Chelsea through. "
i love the newspapers today! everybody is praising cech! (: i feel embarrassed for him! hahaha. lampard and terry are very cute too btw.
the match was seriously so fun to watch lor haha. like they kept scoring and scoring! so u dun dare to move too far. SO NICE ((:
anyway barce's coach is a nice person. he's a good loser unlike mourinho. irritating la he.
i feel so free! all the tests are over! shall come back to reality in a few days. meanwhile i'm zoning out every lesson. (: toobad.
ohyes, went to help out with tissue packing today for a while since i was so free. twas very fun (: my gluegun was spoilt and miniature -.- but i like glueguns. glueguns are so fun to play with.
can't wait for school tomorrow! it's gonna be so colourful hohoho. (:
tagboard is IRRITATING.
6:47 PM
hello (: english sucked i spent like 15 min on intro coz josephtoh bluff me and say its very impt. ok it is but make me so scared until write fer so long. anw i only had time to write TWO pts ohoho. gdluck to my eng. whee. rs was 203 gathering including ft. mwaha. sighh i wonder which other class talks about coming to school braless -.- mmm pigged out on snacks in canteen with xi2 wanxi jean sian fang and half-aud. yummy yummy. oh btw class dinner after swim carn! (: (: (: current plan is to err dabao from laupasat and eat by the s'pore river ohhhh how romantic. SIGH. golf. went to course. EHH i kept digging deep into e soft soft ground and hitting like way right. rarr oh well. played scramble so who cares. lalalala course is so nice green and windy. wohoho somebody spotted somebody. (: oooo laaa laaa. yayy jean's papa gave me a lift home thankewww.
whee gonna STAY UP for a good cause ^^
cech cech cech! <3 robben is back!
9:02 PM
HOHO i nvr knew i could get sick of staring at my face after all these years.
anyway PHILO'S MY FAV SUBJECT (: (: (: sabby cel and i are forever discussing about philosophical stuff -.-
e first philo lesson we had seems so long ago! e term is ending alr. sighh. 3 more left? that was so fast. let's try and guess how many grains of sand has passed through the narrow of the hourglass. HAHA nvm. had a nice long talk with suet liuhui and wanxi on sat. everybody's turning into wackos without 203 keeping us in check. sighh. seriously.
anw jaychou is very amusing. (:
8:10 PM
 pro-ded pple wearing blazers (x
 in e staff toilet. jukie is NOT weird.
12:07 AM
hello! acsi synapse symposium was very fun (:
we embarrassed ourselves greatly yesterday -.- our presentation sucked \: sortof. we were sort of like arrogant? dno, but i felt bochap leh. hope it din really show. sorry heidi. oh yeah, we got jean to come as our ppt clicker whee. haha. we had so much fun rehearsing. this jean a bit e more nervous than us only. haha "you all better practice properly! must get first! come practice practice!" hoho we disappointed her though haha. no position haha. uhh other than MERIT. haha nvm la, it was a good experience.
today was so much fun! so first was some talk about synapses which is quite cheem and jargonish. make that VERY. hoho. anw, the benjamin ong guy is seriously all rounder la he's like some swimmer waterpoloer etc. and he won like a lotta stuff in e uni. scarily talented.
then we went to man our booth! nice pple came to our booth. (: then primary school students came and they were like tiny. haha they were so cute. they got to grow crystal gardens, catch fish, bring a dead cricket home and play with our hipstick omg they are lucky kids. MMM. mmm but then the best thing is e pple are damn nice! met so many new pple from all over. anglican high, stmargs, bedokview, ngeeann, acsi. haha, we were crapping away the last hour. hehs. we went to see the dead frog's still-beating heart. hoho. so smelly.
did you know one packet of milo has 187 cal? i think. heidi and i drank two for lunch (: WHEE.
lalalala! i dno wad to do after founders day tmr. why must it be on sat! so sad. cannot miss sch.
oh guess wad tt physics teacher trainee graduated with first class honours. oh wow.
9:00 PM